Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Pink Shirts for Midnight Madness? BRUTAL.

Hey, I am all for raising money for cancer awareness. But the DIA is dropping the ball (stunning!) with this idea of having fans pay $7 for pink t-shirts for admission to Midnight Madness. WTF? Orange is our color. I was at the football game on Saturday and the players could not wait to remove their pink shirts.

Further, the DIA is only donating $2 per t-shirt to cancer awareness. What about the rest of the money? Is it going to buy out Saint Guenther's contract?

Look at the t-shirts for yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More DIA spin on the pink shirts. The DIA is touting that 7,500 of the shirts have been sold. What they neglect to mention is that many (most?) have been sold to local corporations. Carle alone bought 1,000. Sure, they're handing them out, but what makes the DIA think the people who get these shirts will bother to show up?

I predict many, many empty seats, some very unimpressed recruits, a stupid looking picture and another in the long string of embarassments that have come to symbolize the Bruce Weber regime.

9:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that now that you can't complain about the football team you choose to critice an effort to give money for charity. Stop Whining

3:10 PM  

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