$200 Million to Renovate Assembly Hall
Will Lord Guenther downsize the capacity like he did with Memorial Stadium? Meantime, you know he is not happy about giving Jerrance Howard a pay raise!
This is a blog dedicated to informing folks about University of Illinois Athletic Director Ron Guenther and how he has screwed up Fighting Illini athletics. This is especially true regarding football during his tenure. If you live in East Central Illinois and you blindly believe Ron Guenther is the greatest thing to happen to Fighting Illini athletics, don't read this blog! If you care about the Fighting Illini and want to see a winning athletics program, welcome!
You have to be kidding!! Start over and build a basketball arena, not a concert hall!! Guenther comes out and tells us what a great coach BW is and how great his record his. He's not even smart enough to relaize what winning BW accomplished was with Self's players. This guy's ego and stupidity know no bounds!! Lets retire him and get a real AD!!
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