"Goodbye, Farewell, Amen"

Yes, it is time to say goodbye to the Fire Ron Guenther blog. When we started this blog back in 2006, it was a way to express our extreme anger at Ron Guenther and his complete mismanagement of the DIA. Our goal was nothing less than ousting him from office.
We thought that he had finally resigned in 2007, only for him to do a U-turn and continue doing stupid things like scheduling football games vs. MAC teams in Detroit. Finally, in 2010, a man came from the East to rescue us from our long Illini Nation nightmare. His name: Dr. Michael Hogan, the new President of the University of Illinois. He immediately saw the underachieving of the DIA under Lord Guenther, and decided that it was time for His Excellency to leave.
Lord Guenther's ego has done a trememndous disservice to the DIA and consequently, the University. Just think how much bigger the UI's endowment would be with consistenly good football and men's basketball programs. Hopefully, that day is soon.
Rather than rehash the myriad failures of Lord Guentehr, let us look forward to a new beginning under Mike Thomas. And above all else, stay away from Hudson, Ohio!!!! OSKEE WOW WOW!!
And yes, we are keeping tabs on Mike Thomas on the FIre Mike Thomas blog!
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