Monday, October 12, 2009

Chicago Media Rips UI Football

Thank you, Rick Morrissey, for doing what the East Central Illinois Media Elite Zealots (ECIMEZs) won't do! Hey Loren Tate, let's hear from you!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chicago sports media ripping on one of the local teams? This is almost as predictable as frg posting the Illinois football record under Guenther.

Speaking of which, I didn't see the AD's name in that article once. Seems like if Morrisey thought Guenther was the issue he'd have slipped it once or twice. Or is this just frg, ONCE AGAIN, missing the point?

6:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that Morrisey just didn't think through his attack on the program thoroughly enough by excluding Guenther. He was zeroing in on Zook--maybe he'll attack Guenther in a separate column.

I can't believe that he at least didn't criticize Guenther for extending Zook's contract for an additional year this summer. I thought it was a dumb idea then--it looks positively inane now.

1:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bad O. No D. And the PA announcer is horrible. Can't he at least try and say "First and 10 for the ILLINI." Even tho we only had a few.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Chicago sports media ripping on one of the local teams? This is almost as predictable as frg posting the Illinois football record under Guenther.

Speaking of which, I didn't see the AD's name in that article once. Seems like if Morrisey thought Guenther was the issue he'd have slipped it once or twice. Or is this just frg, ONCE AGAIN, missing the point?"

It appears that frg hasn't figured out the point of his own blog yet. Rip on Guenther, rip on Zook, rip on the school administration? Appears he's an equal opportunity beother except when it comes to his own career.

9:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Based on info in Wikipedia, I noticed that Guenther had turned 64 years old on October 3. Any indication that he might retire @65 and have his reign come to a merciful end?

12:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We can call Guenther's term as AD the "Reign of Error"

4:11 PM  

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