Thanks for scheduling a loss in St. Louis for a phat paycheck, Ron. I hope you zealots out there read this quote in today's Champaign News-Gazette.
"You can duck these games," Guenther told Steve Kelly during a halftime interview on the Illini Sports Network. "My point is, you don't duck them. You play them."
The A.D. said Saturday's game and environment "may be bigger than a bowl game.
Um, Ron..... 1) We've been to just 5 bowl games in your 16 years on the job. 2) I hope you saw that the other teams in the Big 10 opened with cupcakes like Coastal Carolina, Maine, Northern Illinois, Youngstown State and Akron to get the kinks worked out. Why play a top 5 opponent in the first game of the year?
"You can duck these games," Guenther told Steve Kelly during a halftime interview on the Illini Sports Network. "My point is, you don't duck them. You play them."
The A.D. said Saturday's game and environment "may be bigger than a bowl game.
Um, Ron..... 1) We've been to just 5 bowl games in your 16 years on the job. 2) I hope you saw that the other teams in the Big 10 opened with cupcakes like Coastal Carolina, Maine, Northern Illinois, Youngstown State and Akron to get the kinks worked out. Why play a top 5 opponent in the first game of the year?
FRG, don't you have bigger things to worry about. I mean, come on, only 20,015 tickets were sold/given away out of 47,130??? You claim to be better than that.
Hmmm, we played Mizzou last year in the first game and lost a tough one. Then we went on to beat the #1 team in the country and play in a BCS bowl game.
Maybe, it's not such a bad plan after all!
I would ask anybody before the game if they regretted playing a top team versus the type of team they play the next couple of weeks. Nobody likes the outcome, but it is exciting playing a quality team even if you lose. Is there anybody that is excited about the next two weeks?
I don't believe in lowering the bar, I believe in clearing it.
"You can duck these games," Guenther told Steve Kelly during a halftime interview on the Illini Sports Network. "My point is, you don't duck them. You play them."
The A.D. said Saturday's game and environment "may be bigger than a bowl game,"
I agree with hin 100% on both counts, however I can only speculate on the latter as I was not in attendance.
People like FRG wouldn't know toughness if it bit 'em in the ass. That's why he blogs. I would love to see a physical confrontation between the 60+ AD and the teenager FRG. I can dream can't I?
nobody's saying duck the game. just don't play it as your first game of the season. make it game #3 or #4 and the complaints go right out the window.
"and the complaints go right out the window."
We'll never know for sure, but I seriously doubt it. Complaining is just a natural reaction for some.
I can't wait until September 5th, 2009 when we post another mark in the loss column. Pinkel owns Illinois. Guenther must hate that sore ass feel as he drives to the bank to cash the payout check. Poundings in the ass can't feel good come Monday after the game.
I do not want to pay to watch Illinois play every directional school in the country just to get to a bowl game. The Misouri game has been one of the best games of the year the last 2 years, win or lose.
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