Same Old Story: More Dumb Scheduling by the Football Guy

Just when you thought there was an end to stupid scheduling like a 4 year series with Missouri in St. Louis, playing Western Michigan in Detroit and having just 6 home games, Coach Guenther fumbles. AGAIN! Just another kick in the balls by Coach Guenther to long-suffering Fighting Illini football fans!
This time, he has scheduled Illinois to play Fresno State in Champaign in 2009 (ok) and @Fresno State in 2010. The 2010 game makes no sense. Illinois is still playing Missouri in St. in 2010, it's 6 home games AGAIN! Not to mention, it's playing a road game at a non-BCS Conference school! BOGGLE.
Those who don't learn from past mistakes are doomed to repeat them. Ron Guenther just screwed over suite holders and Champaign merchants yet again.
Worse, will WAC officials do the game in Fresno? If you saw the Wisconsin at Fresno State game on Saturday, you saw bad officiating. A Fresno player clearly fumbled, and on replay they upheld the call that it was no catch!
Classic trap game. Ron, you moron!
Classic trap game. Ron, you moron!
The DIA/Guenther apologists will laud this decision. Claiming such bullshit like "to be the best you must beat the best". BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Ron Guenther, when you rattle your donation plate at me to renovate the horseshoe I will laugh in your face. Why should I give money when I know there is a damn good shot I will only get 6 home games. You sir, are an idiot!
Meanwhile the rest of the Big 10 will have at least 7 home games and there will probably be an occasional Indiana that gets an 8th home game.
Icis - So if Illinois were to schedule 3 or 4 non-conference cupcakes at home, just how much would you be willing to donate to the DIA?
If that's really what you want, your wallet is the way to get things done in D-1 football. Anyone who knows college football knows that.
Plus why in the world would any team right now want to emulate any team in the Big Ten. You want te be like Michigan (aack!), Ohio State (who could win out, but still get shellaqued in a non-championship BCS bowl game), or Indiana (did you really suggest them you fool???)?
To me, what is even crazier is you schedule this game AFTER the Big Ten season has ended. Not only do you have to face a potentially tough opponent, but you have to do it after a (hopefully) successful BT season! Anybody say "trap game"? Anybody say "let down"? Anybody say "bummer"?
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
I really think the power of this dictator has really gone to his head and has now really, really clouded his solid thinking! Is Guenther now part mentally ill? Where is the reason and logic?
But, hey, the apologists will all agree that it is a GREAT idea and Guenther has such great vision!! Heck, they would invest in Lehman stock if their fearless leader/dictator told him that it was a smart decision!
"To me, what is even crazier is you schedule this game AFTER the Big Ten season has ended."
The bye week in the B10 season for Illinois is after the season. So either you have no bye week before the B10 season or you play the game after the B10 season. Most teams would prefer a bye week sometime during the season.
"Indiana (did you really suggest them you fool???)?"
You are the fool. Where did I say I want our program to be any of the program's you listed? You won't find it dipshit. I simply mentioned all Big 10 teams have at least 7 home games. The more home games and the more money for DIA, UI, and the county. When the vast majority of BCS teams somehow manage to find 7 home games we look inept. 6 home games in 3 years is pathetic.
Go back and report to your boss, DIA shill. Make sure you wipe the glob of nut off your cheek after you are done slobbing his knob.
What I don't get is how even the most ardent RG supporter can defend having 6 home games in 2 of the first 3 years in a newly renovated stadium.
I have little issue with playing Fresno or even going there (although we should've gotten a 2 for 1 instead of a 1 for 1 out of the deal), but not at the expense of a home game as is the case in 2010. If scheduling is this damn hard, drop the game in St. Louis stat.
Icis - I'm a USC alum. Go Trojans! We go 6-home/6-away every year and kick the shit out of your conference's "best". You're never going to stop that while worrying about getting some 7th home game against South-Southeast Missouri Technical Institute for the You Are a Fool! HA! HA! HA!
LOL at a USC fan posting in an anti-Ron Guenther blog.
Trojan, Are you lost?
"Icis - I'm a USC alum. Go Trojans! We go 6-home/6-away every year and kick the shit out of your conference's "best". You're never going to stop that while worrying about getting some 7th home game against South-Southeast Missouri Technical Institute for the You Are a Fool! HA! HA! HA!"
icis is just another pathetic Guenther hater looking for the slightest pretense to rip on the AD. His hatred for Guenther overwhelmes any pride he might have in himself or the Illinois program.
Start a thread on Illini pride and I will post in there as well. This blog is about Saint Guenther. All you apologists remember is 2002 and2007. Unless you are one of the many bandwagon fans that just started following the team. All I hear from you yahoos is "We've been to 2 BCS bowls since 2001"..."We went to the Final 4 in 2005"....BLAH BLAH BLAH. Never fucking mind that besides those 2 good football seasons we have seen some of the worst football ever played. Nevermind that Illini basketball is fighting off Northwestern for cellar supremacy. Now all you hear from you dipshit's is "Wait until the recruiting class of 2009 and 2010 gets here". Nevermind Weber was asleep at the wheel running a team of slackers into the ground and has a great chance of finishing this season sub .500. Name me the last time Illinois finished sub .500 2 seasons in a row.
1975. Does that mean it does not happen very often or that it is too frequent?
Why do Fire Ron Guenther, Icis, napoleon, North of Interstate 80, etc. all write the same thing practically verbatim? They sound like the same person. Do they all live in the same house? Or do they all live in the same head?
"Do they all live in the same house?"
Yeah and all the jerks sit around in a circle.
"Why do Fire Ron Guenther, Icis, napoleon, North of Interstate 80, etc. all write the same thing practically verbatim? They sound like the same person. Do they all live in the same house? Or do they all live in the same head?"
Exactly my thoughts. The only way for FRG to get any support for his opinions is for him to provide it himself.
"Name me the last time Illinois finished sub .500 2 seasons in a row"
First, it's happened during my lifetime and it was well before Guenther became the AD.
Second, the season hasn't even started and you're ripping the AD for two losing season. This makes you an effin pathetic idiot with an agenda and, likely, a mental illness.
I will guarantee it that I do not write for this blog nor do I run it. I know it is hard for you apologists to get it in your thick head....not everyone slurps the Guenther kool-aid. Should I assume each one of you work for DIA and have to come defend the boss?
I am curious to know what you DIA shills think of what was said on Tate's radio show regarding Coach Zook not happy at all with the scheduling of the Fresno State game. The fucking head coach isn't happy with the scheduling and you still defend you man-God? What say you "anonymous" posters too scared to post a name with your drivel.
"What say you "anonymous" posters too scared to post a name with your drivel."
icis. That's really putting your name, address and face out there for all the world to see! More effed up logic, just like in all your other posts.
Icis - "What say you "anonymous" posters too scared to post a name with your drivel."
Are you serious? Where's your name? Even "Fire Ron Guenther" does not give out his real name. Of course if he did, that would cause a major headache (to put it lightly) for some unnamed (Big Ten?) athletic director. Talk about shilling for an AD!!!
Icis (and all you other FRG shills), you really should look into what exactly you're supporting before you print your blather.
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