Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Typical East Central Illinois Game Production at UC

Even though the game was in Chicago, it felt like a game at Tolono Unity High School. Got this from the illiniboard.

1) No stats on big scoreboard.

2) Only mention of the Rose Bowl team was in the I Fund commercial at halftime. No message from Zook or from the captains, etc. Very disappointed. They should've been recognized more. Why didn't they recognize the football team and then later solicit donations to the IFund/Stadium reconstruction in another commercial??

3) No videos from the 2005 game at Rosemont. NONE! Can't we make the UC a home court? If so, I would've been showing the highlights to that game the whole time during pregame warmups. But, nope, that seems too smart to do....

4) Why in the 1st half did the scoreboard operator stop the team fouls at 5? It is not an NBA game....

5) Problems with the timekeeper in the last minute and in overtime. It helped us in OT.

6) Mandi The Baton Twirler. Is she everywhere? Please Mandi, go away. You no longer twirl the baton and it was bad enough you had to be in Maui for the Arizona State game so you could partake in the hula hoop contest at halftime.

Yeah, I didn't expect much. Typical Univ. of East Central Illinois marketing again. But, even though I didn't expect much, I was still disappointed. Oh well. Hopefully someday, someone will get it and make full use of a multi million dollar jumbotron and facility!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you don't get sex or lift weights, sir.

12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obviously you are lifting Ron Guenther's nut sack before you insert his pecker in your mouth. So I guess you lift weights and get sex. Congrats dipshit.

12:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting sixth comment, MP Sauser.

1:34 PM  

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