Syracuse Fans Hate Their AD!!!

I found this great site bashing Syracuse AD Darryl Gross. Good to see other fans taking to the internet to get rid of a lousy athletic director!
This is a blog dedicated to informing folks about University of Illinois Athletic Director Ron Guenther and how he has screwed up Fighting Illini athletics. This is especially true regarding football during his tenure. If you live in East Central Illinois and you blindly believe Ron Guenther is the greatest thing to happen to Fighting Illini athletics, don't read this blog! If you care about the Fighting Illini and want to see a winning athletics program, welcome!
You are one sick puppy. Getting joy about someone "hating" someone else makes you a very small human being.
I'm sure the Syracuse fans will have the same impact on getting rid of their AD as you have been in getting rid of Guenther. Apparently you should be "fired" since you can't get the job done.
I saw Nancy Cantor's titties!
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