Ah yes, the annual debate about renovating Assembly Hall has begun
anew. A state of the art multi-purpose facility when first built in 1963, it is an awful place to watch a basketball game. (Hey I love the home court advantage, the Orange Krush,
etc., I am just saying try to watch a game in the upper levels of C Section sometime.
The AH is not owned by the DIA but by the University. Students continue to pay for its use, however. Should it be retrofitted or should a new arena be built? Personally, I'd prefer that the DIA and fundraising whiz Ron Guenther come up with the cash money to build a new arena, solely for basketball. (yes, the women can play there, on the condition that someone other than Theresa Grentz is the head coach). The DIA is the main moneymaker for the AH; far exceeding concerts and the like. I agree with Coach Guenther that if a renovation project takes place, and the DIA is expected to come up with most of the funds, that the DIA should control AH. Build a new arena, impress recruits, and best of all, the DIA would control the revenue stream (i.e. not have to pay rent to play at AH. The women's team kills the DIA by having to pay rent and have 1000 fans at best show up for games). Plus, the DIA would control what events took place and not have to take a backseat to Spongepants Bob or whatever event comes to the AH.
BTW, Ron Guenther declined comment for the story!